Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Redmond Thornhill-Gallery Assignment-Photo 1

I was attracted to this picture because it had background and middleground. When you look at this picture at first you don't see an ocean a sand bar the clouds and 3 mountains you see mountains clouds a sand bar and a bunch of white space. It was appealing to my eye to see the clouds the mountains the sand bar and the ocean because I did not see how the artist used background foreground and middleground at first. I also noticed a big hole in the sky which to me seemed like the heavens opening up for someone but could have been the clouds separating for rain to come down. I liked this picture because the artist made black and white colors seem less depressing and more interesting by painting a landscape. The three mountains in the background reminded me of the three in one or god because of the holy trinity and God is the father, son and the holy spirit.

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