Wednesday, September 26, 2012

color symbolism - Sarah Huizenga

Paul's Colors

All Blue


Burning Grass

Isabel Frazee - Color as Symbolism

Fascination with Knowledge

At Peace with Who I am


Color as Symbolism: Feelings by Brittany Wortley




Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Color as symbolism - Lanee

In the middle of a storm (black clouds - depression) we can always find calm and peace (blue sky).
Brown wood represents home and outdoors, and the yellow of the sun symbolizes the joy and happiness you find there. 

White background represents innocence, simplicity and purity, while the red heart symbolizes love.

Symbolism-Daniel A. Kavanaugh

Symbolism by Jordan Faustrum


Symbolism-- Alyssa Corwin




color as symbolism // koly swistak
